Monday, July 27, 2020

How to Get a Job Update These 3 Things First - Hallie Crawford

How to Get a Job Update These 3 Things First - Hallie Crawford One of the most-Googled questions last year was “How to get a job”. In fact, Jobvite’s 2018 Job Seeker Nation Study found that 82 percent of workers surveyed are open to new job opportunities. It can seem difficult to stand out from the competition with so many workers looking for a job. Before you start applying for job positions, it’s important to make sure that you have things up to date on your end to make a great first impression. We recommend updating the following three things. Your resume. This seems like a given, but many job seekers do not look over their resume and make sure it’s been updated and adjusted for the specific job position they are applying for. Your resume is not a one-size-fits-all document. It’s important to identify the keywords in a job listing, and then incorporate the ones that apply to you and your skill set in your resume. You also will want to make sure that the accomplishments that are highlighted on your resume speak to the strengths needed for the position you are interested in. We recommend creating a basic copy of your resume with the formatting and sections that you want to use, along with the information that you always want to include, such as education. Then you can build on your resume depending on the job positions you will apply for. This takes extra work, but it will help ensure that your resume doesn’t end up in the hiring manager’s toss pile. (Find out if your resume will make a great first impression by taking our quick Resume Quiz!) Your LinkedIn profile. While you may not want to openly advertise that you are job hunting, especially if you are currently employed, you do want to make sure that your LinkedIn profile is current. This includes a professional picture of yourself, keywords that will help you stand out in your industry, and your most current accomplishments with measurable results. Stay away from standardized text in your summary. Stay professional, but be creative with how you describe yourself to your network. Ask for recommendations from those who know you well, as well as endorsements. This will all help you look your best when hiring managers search for you on LinkedIn. Your signature line. While a signature line is a small thing, it can create a powerful impression of your professional image when you send an email to a hiring manager. Do you currently use a signature line? Make sure it includes the following: Your branding statement. This helps a hiring manager to see your professional values. It also communicates what you bring to the table and why you deserve to advance in the professional world. Your LinkedIn profile. Once you have updated your profile, make it easy for a hiring manager to find you by including the link to your profile. Your professional email address and phone number. Remember that you want to make it as easy as possible for a hiring manager to contact you, so including these details is important. This also allows a hiring manager to store your information for future use. For more job search tips, download our free presentation, “6 Steps to Jumpstart Your Job Search.” Please Share This

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